Minggu, 29 Januari 2012


Greetings Lesson

There are many ways to greet people in English. Some ways are formal and others are informal. Formal greetings are used when you don't know a person very well or when you are in a formal setting like a job interview. Informal greetings should only be used with close relatives and good friends. Some popular greetings are: Hello, Hi, How are you?, What's up?, What's going on?, How's it going?, Good morning, Good afternoon, and Good evening. (3 pages)

  • The most common greeting in English is "Hello".

  • Saying hello is correct for both formal and informal situations.

  • "Hi" is less formal than hello.

  • Saying hi can be used in both formal and informal settings, but it is always safer to say hello if you're not sure which greeting to use.

  • Remember to smile when you say hello!

by elcivics.com

  • "Howdy" is an informal greeting.

  • It is a popular way to greet someone in southern and western states, especially in Texas.

What's up?
  • "What's up?" is American slang. It is a very informal way to greet someone.

  • What's up? is a popular greeting among young people and people who know each other very well.

How's it going?
  • "How's it going?" is an informal greeting. It is a casual and friendly way to greet someone.
  • People who ask this question are usually trying to start a conversation.

y elcivics.com

Good Morning
  • "Good morning" is both a formal and informal greeting.

  • Co-workers often greet each other by saying good morning.

  • Americans say good morning from sunrise to noon.

Good Afternoon
  • "Good afternoon" is both a formal and informal greeting.
  • You can say good afternoon to both strangers and friends.
  • Americans say good afternoon from noon until about 5:00 PM.

Good Evening
  • "Good evening" is both a formal and informal greeting.
  • You can say this to both strangers and friends.
  • Americans say good evening from about 5:00 PM until sunrise. After sunrise, they say good morning.

Exercise :

Teks Listening  dan Pertanyaan :
  1. A         :           Hi, I am Tina. I was born in South Korea but I was grown up in America.
What about you?
B         :           Well, I am Tony . I am from Canada.
What  is the text about:
  1. Invitation
  2. Home town
  3. Introduction
  4. Friendship
  5. Tina and Tony
  1. A         :           Hi, I am Dewi. I graduated from SMP 1 Ungaran.
B        :           Hello Dewi. I am Ratih and I attended SMP 3 Ungaran.
A        :           Nice to meet  you Ratih
B        :           Nice to meet you too Dewi.
The bell is ringin. Let’s go the our class.
Where does the conversation take place?
  1. In SMP 1
  2. In SMP 3
  3. At school
  4. In Dewi’s house
  5. In the classroom

  1. What are Dewi and Ratih?
a)      Friends
b)      Students
c)      Neighbours
d)     A teacher and a student
e)      Teachers

  1. A         :           It’s time to leave. See you tomorrow Jane.
B         :           Take care Jim. See you.
What does Jim express in the dialog?
  1. Greetings
  2. Introduction
  3. Leave-taking
  4. Invitation
  5. Sadness
  1. A         :           It has been  long time no see you. Where have you been?
B         :           …
a.         Yes  you are right
b.         Really?
c.         I am here.
d.         I have been abroad for study.
e.         I don’t go anywhere.
Jumlah benar x 2 x 10
5 x 2 = 10 x 10 = 100

Kunci jawaban:
  1. C  2.         E          3.         B         4.         C         5.         D

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